Posts in Fundraising
Foundation Board Meets February 2, 2021

The Patrick Straut Foundation Board met on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 to plan for the spring 2021 scholarship season and fundraising events in support of the scholarships. All Board members were present and Lisa Lee, WRHS GT Center teacher joined for a portion of the discussion.

Discussion Topics included:

  1. Checking in—it has been a crazy year for us all.

  2. Current balance in scholarship fund.

  3. Tentative Dates for 2021 Scholarship: May 1, 2021 GT Night, Application Deadline April 10, 2021.

  4. Fund Raising Ideas: FB Fundraiser starts 3/16/2021, Raffle signed Patriot’s jersey or football by Dalton Keene, Chatfield alum., Email campaign to previous donors, WRHS GT teachers to email current Center school parents, and explore fundraisers at local restaurants (try to find an option that would be county wide (Jeffco). All recognize the concerns related to COVID-19 and that they will not subside before fundraising window again this year.

  5. Carrying the work of the William and Mary PA forward. Terri applied to present at NAGC in Aurora this fall. Discussed the spiral model. Ideation patterns of gifted adolescents differ from neuro-typical peers.