Our Mission
The purpose of this foundation is to raise funds and oversee operations that provide scholarships to graduating high school gifted and talented seniors in Jefferson County, Colorado, and to offer resources that address the educational and social/emotional needs of gifted children everywhere.
We accomplish this with six basic services:
Providing Scholarships to Gifted Seniors
Speaking about GT Issues
Telling Patrick’s Story
Sharing Resources with Gifted Students & Adults
Publicizing Suicide Prevention Resources
Disseminating Grief Resources
The Patrick Straut Foundation is a nonprofit corporation incorporated in the state of Colorado on December 16, 2016. The Foundation is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt private foundation.
From Our Scholarship Recipients:
"Thank you so much for the scholarship. The funding will allow me to pursue my goal of a college education this fall." ....Patrick Taylor Straut Memorial Scholarship Recipient, WRHS.
“The situation I’m in reminded me of you because I’ve had to be resilient and keep going even though it’s hard. I’ve found myself needing to keep my head high while I find my place.”
....Patrick Taylor Straut Memorial Scholarship Recipient, WRHS.
"I never imagined that I would earn a scholarship. High school was very difficult for me. I was bullied, my family was not in a position to really support me. There were days when I wasn't sure I'd get through it. To win a scholarship, based on my resilience, was an amazing surprise.
Thank you!" ....Patrick Taylor Straut Memorial Scholarship Recipient, WRHS.
Terri L. Taylor-Straut
President & Founder
Giving the Patrick Straut Foundation Scholarship to recipient, Simon Becerra, May 2016.