Patrick Taylor Straut Scholarship Fund
A Legacy of honoring Wheat Ridge High School Seniors since 2013
The Patrick Taylor Straut Memorial Scholarship is intended to recognize students like Patrick. Patrick was happy alone with himself; he did not strive for the approval of others. He never did things because that's what you were supposed to do. If he didn't see the purpose himself, then there was no meaning. While he was identified as a highly gifted student his school achievement was strongly tied to his interest in a subject. The intensity and over-excitabilities that are often associated with gifted children had a major impact on his life and his death.
Gifted students who are under-achieving largely ‘fly under the radar’. They are the students who, with the support of true Gifted and Talented educational options and attention to their affective needs, can grow, thrive and achieve their potential.
It is our intention that the Patrick Straut Scholarship recognize the achievement of high school graduation for deserving seniors each year. The Gifted and Talented Program at Wheat Ridge High School (WRHS) was chosen by the Straut family because Patrick’s unmet needs as a high school student were his mother’s catalyst toward activism to gain awareness for the struggles of gifted students who had few real GT options at the high school level. The WRHS program was launched in the fall of 2009 through a combination of activism, education and serendipity. It provides the level of support and academic options that Patrick needed, but never received. Therefore, starting in 2013, recipients have been chosen from among the WRHS GT Center Seniors each year. Each spring, WRHS seniors who are enrolled in the GT elective course are invited to apply for the scholarship.
Who is Eligible?
Graduating seniors who are enrolled in the district's Gifted & Talented Center at Wheat Ridge High School are eligible for the scholarship. Please see the Scholarship Application Process page for more information.
About Patrick Taylor Straut:
Every person who came into contact with Patrick left his presence more knowledgeable and wiser than they had been before. He always strove to find the true meaning and beauty in all things, and wouldn't stop until everything was perfect according to his plans.
Patrick's passions included playing the guitar, writing music, and art including sculpture and drawing. He was collaborating with his mother on a photography business where his attention to detail and eye for beauty combined to create panorama photography. He was also exploring screen writing and video game design. A true artist, Patrick had incredible attention to detail in his work and an unmatched passion to follow his every desire with conviction.
Patrick Taylor Straut was born June 25, 1992 at Littleton Hospital. He lived his whole life in Jefferson County. He was extremely proud of his Irish heritage; his father and his father's twin brother were adopted from Ireland as toddlers. Patrick always wanted to visit Ireland to see the place in all its beauty in order to fully connect with that part of him.
Patrick had a love of nature. Mount Evans Outdoor Lab site was his favorite place to visit. He was blessed to spend many weekends there with his best friend Evan and his family and friends.
Funds are currently being collected for the 2025 scholarship awards.
Please use the DONATE NOW link at the bottom of the page to make your secure, tax deductible donation through Pay Pal or using your debit or credit card.
PayPal takes their percentages of online donations.
If you want the full amount of your donation to go to scholarships, please consider sending a check.
Mailing Address:
Patrick Straut Foundation
Attn: Terri Taylor Straut
5356 S. Taft St.
Littleton, CO 80127
2024 Scholarship recipients, $4,500 was given in scholarships at GT Night, May 2, 2024.
2023 Scholarship recipients, $6,750 was given in scholarships at GT Night, May 6, 2023.
"I never imagined that I would earn a scholarship. High school was very difficult for me. I was bullied, my family was not in a position to really support me. There were days when I wasn't sure I'd get through it. To win a scholarship, based on my resilience, was an amazing surprise. Thank you!"
—WRHS Scholarship Recipient
2022 Eight scholarships were awarding totaling $9,000 at GT Night, May 7, 2022.
2012: Richy, Shane, Steven & Avery
Patrick’s High School Friends