About the GT Center
Ms. Lee and a group of students celebrating the end of finals, December 2019
How GT Centers Work in Jeffco…
In Jefferson county public schools, Gifted Centers are housed in regular school settings and provide a higher level of support for the affective needs of gifted learners. Gifted Centers have been in existence since 1984 at the elementary level, they were eventually added at the middle school level to achieve pathways for our gifted learners.
In the fall of 2009 the Center at Wheat Ridge High School (WRHS) opened to freshman. New freshman classes were added each year until the Center was serving students in 9th-12th grade. A detailed history of the development of the GT Center is available on the History of the GT Center page.
At this time, most GT Center students take GT as their 7th class at WRHS. The GT class includes studying the Autonomous Learner Model, learning self-advocacy skills, several individual and class projects, and Destination Imagination. A Center tradition is the GT Welcome event where each current GT student creates a station on a topic of interest to them with hand-made products to welcome the incoming freshman and their parents each spring.
Sampling of activities at the Center.