About Patrick
Patrick’s Senior Portrait, Sept. 2009, Age 17
Patrick’s Best Friend, Evan Stevens, wrote these words about him
Patrick was a man of strong integrity, few words and a huge heart. His friends knew him as a dedicated friend who always knew the solution to every problem, strategically planning his every move with the confidence of a true leader. Every new situation was treated with respect and observed with a trained eye to see all things from every perspective. Every person who came into contact with Patrick left his presence more knowledgeable and wise than they had been before. He always strove to find true meanings and beauty in all things, and wouldn't stop until everything was perfect according to his plans. Patrick was happy alone with himself, he did not strive for the approval of others. He never did things because that's what you were supposed to do, if he didn't see the purpose himself, there was no meaning.
Patrick's passions included playing the guitar, writing music, and art including sculpture and drawing. He was also collaborating with his mother on a photography business, where his attention to detail and eye for beauty combined to create panorama photography. He was also exploring screen writing and video game design. A true artist, Patrick had incredible attention to detail in his work and an unmatched passion to follow his every desire with conviction.
Patrick Taylor Straut was born June 25, 1992 at Littleton Hospital. He lived his whole life in Jefferson County. He was extremely proud of his Irish heritage; his father and his father's twin brother were adopted from Ireland as toddlers. Patrick always wanted to visit Ireland to see the place in all its beauty and fully connect with that part of himself.
Patrick was a student at Red Rocks Community College and attended high school at Littleton HS and Dakota Ridge HS. He is survived by his parents Terri and Jerry Straut, brother Brendan and sister Emily; his grandparents, Don and Martie Taylor, Jane and Garrett Laub and Peggy and Stephen Hayes. Aunts and Uncles include Martin and Julia Straut, Kimberly and Thomas Killean and Joan Adams; Mary and Steve Sessions, Angela and John Doheny, James and Connie Hayes and his God parents Maryann and Peter Billington.
Patrick had lots of cousins, some in England where his Nanny Peg lives and many in the US. With the family so dispersed he only saw them during family reunions and visits, but marveled at how he could have so many cool cousins. When they got together, they made up for lost time playing guitars around the camp fire and getting to know each other anew after time apart. Patrick was also blessed to have one true best friend, Evan Stevens, since they came together in first grade. He cherished his friendship with Evan more than anything because Evan knew him intimately and words did not need to be spoken between them for the full meaning of any situation to be understood.
Patrick had a love of nature. Mount Evans Outdoor Lab site was his favorite place to visit. He was blessed to spend many weekends there with this Evan and his family and friends.