Where Are They Now?
2012 Graduates: Steven, Shane, Richy & Avery with Richy’s Dakota Ridge HS tassel.
Patrick had four very close friends who graduated in 2012. That year my dear friend Jean got an idea to help me through my grief over losing Patrick. She collected a total of $600 from our mutual friends in the Jeffco Association for Gifted Children (JAGC) and gave me the money to provide scholarships.
That $600 was the perfect amount, allowing me to give $150 each to “the boys” as I affectionately call them. We had a big cook out on the deck and I gave them each a graduation card and their checks. I also promised Sam, Avery’s brother who was due to graduate in 2013, that I would do the same for him the next year. A tradition was born. Read the complete blog here: https://patricktaylorstraut.wordpress.com/2021/03/06/where-are-they-now/