About Daniel and The Study is Published

It happened this week. After five years of hard work on behalf of the William & Mary team, the psychological autopsy of Patrick was published. It was actually published online on January 14, 2020 in Roeper Review . It has a very academic title, A Psychological Autopsy of an Intellectually Gifted Student With Attention Deficit Disorder. The first author, Dr. Tracy Cross, has previously shared that he believes this is the best work by his team yet. They have produced four such studies of gifted adolescents (all 4 boys) and Dr. Cross was on the dissertation committee for the author of the only such study of a girl, it is the most recent until this one, published in 2010.

Read the complete blog: https://patricktaylorstraut.wordpress.com/2020/01/25/about-daniel-and-the-study-is-published/

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