Supporting Gifted Children and Their Families


Providing Scholarships to Gifted & Talented Seniors since 2012

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Awarding Scholarships to Gifted Seniors

The Patrick Straut Foundation was created to recognize the resilience of gifted and talented (GT) high school students each year by providing scholarships to graduating seniors at the GT Center at Wheat Ridge High School in Jeffco..

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Speaking at the Colorado Association for Gifted & Talented Annual Conference

Speaking About Gifted & Talented Issues

Terri has long been an advocate for GT students in Denver-area public schools. After Patrick’s death, she dedicated her time and talents to creating programs that inform GT students and their parents about the over-excitabilities that often co-exist with giftedness. She speaks nationally on these topics.

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Sharing Resources with Gifted Students & Adults

There are many resources available in support of gifted and talented (GT) students and adults. We have compiled the resources that we have found most helpful in the hope of assisting site visitors with finding the help they need to remain content and healthy. Since death is a part of life, grief and recovery resources are shared here as well.

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Telling Patrick’s Story

Patrick’s suicide was a shock to all who knew him. We was successfully studying at the local community college and had no diagnosed mental illness. He was a gifted young man, and as such, he did have characteristics of emotionality, high intensity and introversion. We believe that it is important to tell Patrick’s story so that others with overexcitabilities might learn from it.

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"Thank you so much for the scholarship. The funding will allow me to pursue my goal of a college education this fall." 

—WRHS Scholarship Recipient


Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

WRHS GT students with their teachers and volunteers

at the Annual Retreat, Estes Park, September 2019. 
